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Autori: Ristic Aleksandar J

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Naslov Novel GATOR1 variants in focal epilepsy (Article)
Autori Kovacevic Masa  Jankovic Milena Z  Brankovic Marija  Milicevic Ognjen S  Novakovic Ivana V  Sokic Dragoslav V  Ristic Aleksandar J  Shamsani Jannah  Vojvodic Nikola M 
Info EPILEPSY & BEHAVIOR, (2023), vol. 141 br. , str. -
Ispravka ISI/Web of Science   Članak   Elečas   Rang časopisa   Citati:
Naslov Thoracal arachnoiditis ossificans associated with multifocal motor neuropathy: a case report (Article)
Autori Jokovic Milos B  Grujicic Danica M  Bascarevic Vladimir Lj  Sokic Dragoslav V  Ristic Aleksandar J 
Info BRITISH JOURNAL OF NEUROSURGERY, (2023), vol. 37 br. 3, str. 316-318
Projekat Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia [175087]
Ispravka ISI/Web of Science   Članak   Elečas   Rang časopisa   Citati: ISI/Web of Science   Scopus  
Naslov Prenatal Identification of a Novel Mutation in the MCPH1 Gene Associated with Autosomal Recessive Primary Microcephaly (MCPH) Using Next Generation Sequencing (NGS): A Case Report and Review of the Literature (Review)
Autori Papoulidis Ioannis  Eleftheriades Makarios  Manolakos Emmanouil  Petersen Michael B  Liappi Simoni Marina  Konstantinidou Anastasia  Papamichail Maria  Papadopoulos Vassilios  Garas Antonios  Sotiriou Sotirios  Papastefanou Ioannis  Daskalakis Georgios  Ristic Aleksandar J 
Info CHILDREN-BASEL, (2022), vol. 9 br. 12, str. -
Ispravka ISI/Web of Science   Članak   Elečas   Rang časopisa   Citati: ISI/Web of Science  
Naslov Epilepsy on social media in Serbian, Croatian, and Bosnian languages (Article)
Autori Karadzic Tatjana  Ristic Aleksandar J 
Info EPILEPSY & BEHAVIOR, (2022), vol. 136 br. , str. -
Ispravka ISI/Web of Science   Članak   Elečas   Rang časopisa   Citati: ISI/Web of Science   Scopus  
Naslov Post-acute COVID-19 syndrome presented as a cerebral and systemic vasculitis: a case report (Letter)
Autori Ivanovic Jovana B  Stojanovic Maja R  Ristic Aleksandar J  Sokic Dragoslav V  Vojvodic Nikola M 
Info ACTA NEUROLOGICA BELGICA, (2022), vol. 122 br. 5, str. 1377-1379
Ispravka ISI/Web of Science   Članak   Elečas   Rang časopisa   Citati: ISI/Web of Science   Scopus  
Naslov A Rare Case of Epithelioid Trophoblastic Tumor Presenting as Hematoma of a Caesarean Scar in the Lower Uterine Segment (Article)
Autori Anicic Radomir  Rakic Aleksandar  Maglic Rastko K  Sretenovic Dragutin  Ristic Aleksandar J  Djakovic Elena  Nejkovic Lazar V  Djakovic Elena  Nejkovic Lazar V 
Info MEDICINA-LITHUANIA, (2022), vol. 58 br. 1, str. -
Ispravka ISI/Web of Science   Članak   Elečas   Rang časopisa   Citati: ISI/Web of Science   Scopus  
Naslov COVID-19 infection in patients operated due to intractable epilepsy - very few reasons for serious consternation (Meeting Abstract)
Autori Pejovic Aleksa T  Ristic Aleksandar J  Vojvodic Nikola M  Kovacevic Masa  Djukic Tijana  Bascarevic Vladimir Lj  Sokic Dragoslav V 
Info EPILEPSIA, (2021), vol. 62 br. , Suppl. 3, str. 190-191
Ispravka ISI/Web of Science   Elečas   Rang časopisa   Citati: ISI/Web of Science  
Naslov Influence of COVID-19 pandemic on quality of life in patients with epilepsy & ndash; Follow-up study (Article)
Autori Strizovic Selena  Vojvodic Nikola M  Kovacevic Masa  Pejovic Aleksa T  Bukumiric Zoran M  Sokic Dragoslav V  Ristic Aleksandar J 
Info EPILEPSY & BEHAVIOR, (2021), vol. 121 br. , str. -
Projekat Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Serbia [175087]
Ispravka ISI/Web of Science   Članak   Elečas   Rang časopisa   Citati: ISI/Web of Science  
Naslov Regional distribution of cytochrome c oxidase activity and copper in sclerotic hippocampi of epilepsy patients (Article)
Autori Opacic Milos A  Ristic Aleksandar J  Sokic Dragoslav V  Bascarevic Vladimir Lj  Raicevic Savo  Savic Slobodan N  Zorovic Maja  Zivin Marko  Selih Vid Simon  Spasojevic Ivan B  Savic Danijela Z 
Info BRAIN AND BEHAVIOR, (2021), vol. 11 br. 2, str. -
Projekat Ministarstvo Prosvete, Nauke i Tehnoloskog Razvoja [451-03-68/2020-14/200007, 451-03-68/2020-14/200053]; Bilateral Project of Slovenia-Serbia governments [06-00-118/2018-09/22]
Ispravka ISI/Web of Science   Članak   Elečas   Rang časopisa   Citati: ISI/Web of Science   Scopus  
Naslov Foucault's Concept of Clinical Gaze Today (Article)
Autori Ristic Aleksandar J  Zaharijevic Adriana  Milicic Nenad 
Info HEALTH CARE ANALYSIS, (2021), vol. 29 br. 2, str. 99-112
Projekat Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia [175087]; GAJU (Grant Agency of the University of South Bohemia), the Czech Republic under the project: "Humanitne vedni pristupy v transdisciplinarni strukture soucasn
Ispravka ISI/Web of Science   Članak   Elečas   Rang časopisa   Citati: ISI/Web of Science   Scopus  
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