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Autori: Milosevic Jasna S

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Naslov Investigating the Links Between Cultural Values and Belief in Conspiracy Theories: The Key Roles of Collectivism and Masculinity (Article)
Autori Adam-Troian Jais  ...  Milosevic Jasna S  ...  (broj koautora 41) 
Info POLITICAL PSYCHOLOGY, (2021), vol. 42 br. 4, str. 597-618
Projekat COST ActionEuropean Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) [CA15101]; Institute of Advanced Social Studies (IESA-CSIC) [EP-1707, PIE 201710E018]; Grant Agency of the Czech Republic [20-01214S]; Institute of Psychology, Czech
Ispravka ISI/Web of Science   Članak   Elečas   Rang časopisa   Citati: ISI/Web of Science   Scopus  
Naslov The motivational and informational basis of attitudes toward foods with health claims (Article)
Autori Zezelj Iris L  Milosevic Jasna S  Stojanovic Zaklina D  Ognjanov Galjina 
Info APPETITE, (2012), vol. 59 br. 3, str. 960-967
Projekat Focus Balkans project [212579]; European Commission
Ispravka ISI/Web of Science   Članak   Elečas   Rang časopisa   Citati: ISI/Web of Science   Scopus  
Naslov Consumption and perception of processed fruits in the Western Balkan region (Article)
Autori Sijtsema Siet J  Zimmermann Karin  Cvetkovic Miljan  Stojanovic Zaklina D  Spiroski Igor  Milosevic Jasna S  Mora Cristina  Butigan Ruzica  Mugosa Boban  Esteve Magali  Pohar Jure 
Info LWT-FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, (2012), vol. 49 br. 2, str. 293-297
Projekat European Commission (gs1), DG Research [KBBE 2007 1, GA 212579]; European Community (gs2) under the Seventh Framework Programme for Research, Technological Development and Demonstration Activities
Ispravka ISI/Web of Science   Članak   Elečas   Rang časopisa   Citati: ISI/Web of Science   Scopus  
Naslov Understanding the motives for food choice in Western Balkan Countries (Article)
Autori Milosevic Jasna S  Zezelj Iris L  Gorton Matthew  Barjolle Dominique 
Info APPETITE, (2012), vol. 58 br. 1, str. 205-214
Projekat European Union[212 579]; European Commission
Ispravka ISI/Web of Science   Članak   Elečas   Rang časopisa   Citati: ISI/Web of Science   Scopus  
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