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Autori: Lazovic Sonja

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Naslov Topical mevastatin promotes wound healing by inhibiting the transcription factor c-Myc via the glucocorticoid receptor and the long non-coding RNA Gas5 (Article)
Autori Sawaya Andrew P  Pastar Irena  Stojadinovic Olivera  Lazovic Sonja  Davis Stephen C  Gil Joel  Kirsner Robert S  Tomic-Canic Marjana 
Info JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY, (2018), vol. 293 br. 4, str. 1439-1449
Projekat National Institutes of Health [AR060562, NR015649, NR013881]; University of Miami SAC Award [SAC 2013-19]; New York University [PCT/U52010/062361]
Ispravka ISI/Web of Science   Članak   Elečas   Rang časopisa   Citati: ISI/Web of Science   Scopus  
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