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Autori: Djukic Djordje

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Naslov The Analysis of the Dynamic Relationships Between Real Exchange Rates and Macroeconomic Variables in Selected Countries with Targeted Inflation: Evidence from Linear and Non-Linear Ardl Models (Article)
Autori Djukic Djordje  Ozer Mustafa  Djukic Malisa 
Info ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC FORECASTING, (2023), vol. 26 br. 2, str. 104-124
Ispravka ISI/Web of Science   Elečas   Rang časopisa  
Naslov Interdependencies of Markets in Southeastern Europe and Buyback of Shares on Shallow Capital Markets: The Application of Cointegration and Causality Tests (Article)
Autori Djukic Djordje  Djukic Malisa 
Info PANOECONOMICUS, (2015), vol. 62 br. 4, str. 469-491
Projekat Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Serbia [179065, 47009, 179015]
Ispravka ISI/Web of Science   Članak   Elečas   Rang časopisa   Citati: ISI/Web of Science  
Naslov The Global Financial Crisis and the Behaviour of Short-Term Interest Rates - International and Serbian Aspects (Article)
Autori Djukic Djordje  Djukic Malisa 
Info PANOECONOMICUS, (2009), vol. 56 br. 4, str. 491-506
Ispravka ISI/Web of Science   Članak   Elečas   Rang časopisa   Citati: ISI/Web of Science  
Naslov Comparative models of banking reform (Proceedings Paper)
Autori Djukic Djordje 
Info BANKING REFORMS IN SOUTH-EAST EUROPE, (2002), vol. br. , str. 147-161
Ispravka ISI/Web of Science   Citati: ISI/Web of Science  
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